The mission of HKNGIS is to promote the Next-Generation-Internet (NGI) development in Hong Kong by providing a forum for the dissemination and appreciation of technical information relating to NGI and the sharing of experience in developing NGI infrastructure and applications for the benefit of the members of the Association and the general public.
- To promote an awareness of the need for development of NGI in Hong Kong;
- To provide a forum for the exchange of general knowledge and technical information on NGI;
- To promote the Association’s objectives to the public and educate the public in the development of NGI;
- To undertake researches in NGI by itself or in collaborations with other organizations as appropriate; to develop and pilot test various NGI applications for use by organizations in Hong Kong; and to disseminate the research findings to the public;
- To hold lectures, discussions, seminars, conferences and exhibitions on subject related to the NGI technology and applications to the IT practitioners and the general public;
- To organize, conduct and/or finance or subsidize courses, symposiums, conferences, lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops and other activities related to NGI as part of the Association’s educational programs for schools in Hong Kong;
- To liaise with other Hong Kong and overseas bodies and organizations with similar objects in practicing, promoting and researching in NGI;
- To advise the Hong Kong public and the HKSAR Government on matters related to NGI development in Hong Kong.
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